If you or a family member are seriously ill or in the hospital and would like to receive the Anointing of the Sick, please contact the parish office @ 812-623-2964.
Homebound Ministry
The gift of life, God's special gift, is no less beautiful when it is accompanied by illness or weakness, hunger, loneliness or old age. At these times human life gains extra splendor as it requires our special care, concern and reverence. It is indeed in and through the weakest of human vessels that the Lord continues to reveal the power of God's love.
Members of St. Nicholas parish regularly minister to those who are unable to leave their residence (for short or long term) by providing regular pastoral visits and the reception of Holy Communion. Homebound visitors provide support to homebound persons through their presence and careful attention.
Pastoral visits are an opportunity to make God's presence immediate and real to the homebound person through prayer and the reception of Communion.